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  • I was incredibly impressed by Velocity’s approach to training… the Velocity team team displayed genuine interest in helping us accomplish our individual goals. Overall the experience was edifying as well as a lot of fun.

  • I would highly recommend this program to anybody and to all people. It doesn’t matter what industry you work in…if you want to succeed as a company, an organization, a collective body, absolutely I would recommend the course.

    − Glen Coady, FAST Program Graduate
  • This is the first time in history that our native people will train their own people in their own language. It will be awesome.

    − Robert (Bobby) Simpson, FAST Program Graduate
  • The team building and group dynamics- I’ve heard lots about it, and taken some courses that just touched on it, but this delved into it to a point that I understand it… I have never had it laid out in a format that just clicked for me, like it did here.

    − Tim Dolan, FAST Program Graduate